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Foul Sorcery Game

A Spellbook to Break the Curse

A Powerful Tool

You have access to a powerful spellbook that could potentially break a dark curse placed on the princess unicorns. This is a rare and valuable opportunity, and you must use the spellbook wisely. The curse has been cast by an evil sorcerer, and it is slowly draining the life force from the unicorns. If you do not act quickly, the unicorns will surely die.

The Curse

The curse was cast because the unicorns were too kind and loving. They were always helping others, and never asked for anything in return. The sorcerer was jealous of their goodness, and he decided to punish them. He cast a spell that would slowly drain their life force, until they were nothing but empty shells.

The spellbook contains the only known counterspell that can break the curse. However, the spell is very difficult to cast, and there is a great risk that you will fail. If you do fail, the curse will become even stronger, and the unicorns will be doomed.

Are you willing to take the risk? Will you use the spellbook to try to break the curse? The fate of the unicorns is in your hands.


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